The countdown begins


So here we are, September 19, and I only have 9 days left before my one way ticket to Spain! I’m so excited to start this teaching job and begin a new chapter in my (postgraduate) life. There’s still so many things to do before I leave, like packing, moving, apartment searching, lesson plans….so almost everything! But at least I have my ticket, right? 😉 I’ve been doing more mental preparation so far. Reading blogs and my Spanish books have been helpful to get ready for the culture shock that I’m sure I’ll run into. But I’m also preparing for the beach, sangria, paella, and beautiful weather. I’m quite sure I’ll be able to deal with that culture shock just fine! One of my goals is to learn how to cook paella the authentic way. As they say, bon appetit! Or wait, is that in France…..just kidding 😉

Hasta luego!

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